Top New Trendy Words – Fun Social Experiment – Let’s Invent New Words and Track Them Trending

Fun social experiment: Let’s invent new trendy words and see if we can get them to trend in social media.

I’ve always been interested in where words come from, how new words begin, why they take off and trend all around the world and what makes one word more likely to explode on social media over another. One of the main keys is how well it rolls off the tongue.

One thing that new words and phrases tend to have in common is that they are short, sharp and fun to say. Alliteration can help, but  generally, new words that sound like combinations of others are a good start.

So for this fun social experiment to invent new words, we’ll try a few different ways of doing it. First and simplest is to just combine some words together that sound interesting. Let’s think of the meaning we want to achieve then mix words to represent it. The focus will be on trendy sounding words.

Here’s a few new trendy words and examples with potential meanings:

Jibster – Someone who puts out music you like – She’s an absolute jibster.

Lamp – Someone that doesn’t dance – Look at that lamp; how can you not dance to this jibster?

Coop Me – Pay for my drinks/dinner/ticket this time and I’ll pay you back – Can you coop me, I’m a bit short.

Bink – Vomit- All those drinks you cooped me went to my head and I just binked on that lamp’s shoes.

Melky – Feeling unwell – After binking a couple more times I no longer feel melky.

Fay – Fun and young – We’re all pretty fay, let’s put on another jibster and make it a PARTY. Of course don’t drink too much or you might feel melky and end up with bink on your feet!

Creating new trendy words for social media is a fun and creative way to express yourself and connect with others online. These words can be used to describe emotions, actions, or even physical objects, and they can help you stand out on social media and make your posts more engaging.

One way to create new trendy words is to take an existing word and give it a new meaning. For example, you could take the word “lit” which is used to describe something that is exciting or cool, and use it to describe a particularly good piece of food or a great workout. By giving an existing word a new meaning, you can create a unique and catchy phrase that others will want to use.

Another way to create new trendy words is to combine two existing words. For example, you could take the words “savage” and “beautiful” and create the word “savagely beautiful” which could be used to describe someone who is both fierce and attractive. This type of wordplay can be a great way to create unique and attention-grabbing phrases.

You can also create new trendy words by using slang or colloquial language. These types of words often reflect the culture and trends of a particular group of people, and they can be a great way to connect with others who share your interests. For example, you could create a new word that combines the slang term “on fleek” (meaning perfect) and “hype” (meaning excitement) to create “on fleek hype” which could be used to describe a particularly exciting event.

Another way to create new trendy words is to use emojis or other symbols in combination with words. This can be a great way to add visual interest to your posts and make them more engaging. For example, you could use the heart-eyes emoji in combination with the word “crushing” to create the phrase “crushing it” which could be used to describe something that you are particularly excited about.

It’s also important to keep in mind that trendy words come and go, so it’s best not to use them excessively and make sure that you are using them in the correct context.

Creating new trendy words for social media is a fun and creative way to express yourself and connect with others online. By taking existing words and giving them new meanings, combining words, using slang or colloquial language, or using emojis and symbols, you can create unique and attention-grabbing phrases that will make your posts stand out.

Feel free to make some new trendy words yourself and see if you can get them trendin!

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